
New Zealand Immigration Medical
General Medical Certificates
Children under 11 years old $288 (Exam, Urine test)
Children 11-14 years old $368 (Exam, Urine test, Chest X-Ray)
15 years old & over: $512 (Exam, Urine & Blood Tests, Chest X-Ray)
Required Blood Tests
FBC, Creatinine(eGFR), HbA1C, HIV, VDRL, HBsAg, Hep C
Limited Medical Certificates
$397 – Exam, blood tests & chest x-ray
$317 Exam & blood tests
Required Blood Tests: FBC, Creatinine
$121 – Chest x-ray

Australian Immigration Medical
General Medical Certificates
Children under 11 years old: $288 (exam)
Children 11-14 years old: $403 (exam, Creatinine, chest x-ray)
15 years old & over: $426 (exam, HIV, Creatinine, chest x-ray)
Children 2-11 years old: $104 (long term stay or residence visa)
Required Blood Tests
HIV, Creatinine

Canadian Immigration Medical
General Medical Certificates
Children under 11 years old: $288 (exam, urine test)
Children 11-14 years old: $368 (exam, urine test, chest x-ray)
15 years old & over: $426 (exam, urine & blood tests, chest x-ray)
Chest x-ray ONLY $121
Required Blood Tests
HIV, VDRL, Creatinine
Please inform us if you are pregnant or you think you might be pregnant.

USA Immigration Medical
General Medical Certificates
Children under 15 years old: $490 (Physical exam, Urine & Blood tests, TB Skin Test, Vaccination)
15 years old & over: $490 (Physical exam, Urine & Blood tests, TB Skin Test, Vaccination)
Chest X-Ray required will be extra $70
Please inform us if you are pregnant or you think you might be pregnant.
Required Blood Tests
HIV, VDRL, Creatinine
Please inform us if you are pregnant or you think you might be pregnant.